Current Groups:
Colourful Semantics
Zones of Regulation
Spring/Summer Groups:
DLD & Me
Learning emotions with the Transporters
Spring/Summer Groups:
Primary Interact
Shape Coding
These interventions are intended for schools who do not currently access our Speech and Language Therapy service through Hackney Education/Homerton University Hospital. If you already access our service please contact your link therapist to discuss.
Colourful Semantics
Colourful Semantics is an evidence-based visual approach that supports early sentence building.
This a six week virtual group that teaches children wh- questions; who? what doing? what? and where? and helps children to sort words according to the question word that they answer. It colour-codes different parts of a sentence and supports children to construct three and four part sentences.
This group includes:
- six virtual sessions led by a SaLT
- a follow up activity provided at the end of each session to complete at school or at home
- an end of intervention summary report summarising how each child performed against the group targets
- a short training for teachers and support staff on how to carry over strategies and into the classroom.

Criteria |
Dates and Times |
Contact |
Child needs to:
- be in Year 1 or Year 2
- have language difficulties as primary area of need
i.e. Working below age expected levels in literacy/SPAG and
working towards or at age expected in other areas of the curriculum
- be able to attend to a video session for 30 minutes
- be able to attend all session
- be supported by an adult in the sessions
Autumn Term Dates:
Tuesday 9th November at 10.30am
Tuesday 16th November at 10.30am
Tuesday 23nd November at 10.30am
Tuesday 30th November at 10.30am
Tuesday 7th December at 10.30am
Tuesday 14th December at 10.30am
For pricing and availability information please contact us Contact Us
Zones of Regulation
The Zones of Regulation is a visual system that supports children to express and regulate their emotions. This is a six week virtual group for children in Year 3 and 4 that teaches categorisation of emotions into four Zones and how to use these to express how they are feeling.
The group includes:
- six virtual sessions led by a SaLT
- a follow up activity to complete at school or at home
- a strategy of the week to support emotional regulation
- an emotions check in board for school and home
- an end of intervention summary report summarising how each child performed against the group targets

Criteria |
Dates and Times |
Contact |
Child needs to:
- be in Year 3 or Year 4
- have a diagnosis of Autism or suspected Autism.
- have age appropriate language skills or with mild difficulties
- be able to attend to a video session for up to 40 minutes
- be able to attend all sessions
- be supported by an adult in the sessions
Autumn Term Dates:
Monday 8th November at 2pm
Monday 15th November at 2pm
Monday 22nd November at 2pm
Monday 29th November at 2pm
Monday 6th December at 2pm
Monday 13th December at 2pm
For pricing and availability information please contact us Contact Us
DLD & Me
This is a 12 week programme to help children and young people with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) understand their strengths and needs, their diagnosis and how they can advocate for their own communication in everyday life. It focuses on building confidence in their strengths, understanding what helps them and how to share this information with others and works towards developing independence for the future. The group context also supports children and young people to know they are not alone with the difficulties they experience.
This group includes:
- 12 weekly sessions delivered by a Speech and Language Therapist
- An introductory session for parents
- Follow up activities to be completed at school or at home
- an end of intervention summary report which details how the child performed against the group targets
Criteria |
Dates and Times |
Contact |
Children need to:
- be in Key Stage 2 (Year 3, 4 ,5 or 6)
- have already received a diagnosis of ‘Developmental Language Disorder’
- have already had their diagnosis discussed with parents
- be supported by an adult in the sessions
Sessions available in Spring/Summer 2022
For pricing and availability information please contact us Contact Us
Learning emotions with The Transporters
The Transporters is an animated series of short videos, each teaching a different emotion. This six week virtual group for children in Key Stage 1 helps learn 6 basic emotions (happy, sad, tired, excited, angry, afraid).
The group includes:
- six virtual sessions led by a SaLT
- follow up strategies
- a short activity to complete after each session
- an emotions check in board for school and home
- an end of intervention summary report of how the child performed against group targets

Criteria |
Dates and Times |
Contact |
Child needs to:
- be in Year 1 or Year 2
- have a diagnosis of Autism or suspected Autism.
- have age appropriate language skills or with mild difficulties
- be able to attend to a video session for 30 minutes
- be able to attend all sessions
- be supported by an adult in the sessions
Sessions available in Spring/Summer 2022
For pricing and availability information please contact us Contact Us
Primary Interact: Developing Social Interaction Skills
Interact is group that helps children develop their social interaction skills. This 6 week group for children in Year 3 and Year 4 is based on the Lego Therapy approach and supports the development of turn taking skills, giving instructions, listening to instructions, asking for help and working collaboratively.
The group includes:
- a pack of paper based resources posted prior to the group starting
- six virtual sessions led by a SaLT
- an end of intervention summary report summarising how each child performed against the group targets
Criteria |
Dates and Times |
Contact |
Children need to:
- be in Year 3 or Year 4
- have a diagnosis of Autism or suspected Autism
- have age appropriate language skills or with mild difficulties.
- be able to attend to a video session for up to 40 minutes
- be able to attend all sessions
- be supported by an adult in the sessions
Sessions available in Spring/Summer 2022
For pricing and availability information please contact us Contact Us
Shape Coding
Shape Coding is an evidenced-based approach that uses shapes to help children form sentences and use grammar effectively.
This is a six week virtual group run by a SaLT that introduces the Shape Coding approach by teaching the key shapes and supports children to form four part sentences, containing information related to who? what doing? what? and where? questions. It also teaches present and past tense verb forms.
The group includes:
- six virtual sessions led by a SaLT
- A follow up activity is provided at the end of each session to complete at school or at home
- An end of intervention summary report summarising how each child performed against the group targets is provided after the last session
- Access to a short training for teachers and support staff on how to implement the approach in the classroom.
Criteria |
Dates and Times |
Contact |
Child needs to:
- be in Key Stage 2 (Year 3, 4, 5, 6)
- be able to attend to a video session for up to 40 minutes
- be able to attend all sessions
- be supported by an adult in the sessions
Sessions available in Spring/Summer 2022
For pricing and availability information please contact us Contact Us