Below are links to some other websites which you may find helpful.

Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT)
The RCSLT is the professional body for speech and language therapists in the UK; providing leadership and setting professional standards.
RCSLT facilitate and promote research into the field of speech and language therapy, promote better education and training of speech and language therapists and provide information for their members and the public about speech and language therapy.

Health and Care Professionals Council
HCPC are a regulator, and were set up to protect the public. To do this, HCPC keep a Register of health and care professionals who meet their standards for training, professional skills, behaviour and health.
You can also check any Health and Care Professionals registration here.

I CAN is the children’s communication charity. I CAN are experts in helping children develop the speech, language and communication skills they need to thrive in a 21st century world. I CAN offers a range of engaging and developmental resources for practitioners and parents to use with their children. There is also an enquiry service called I CAN Help where you can speak to a speech and language therapist for free via the telephone, email, Skype or Facebook.

The Communication Trust
The Communication Trust is a coalition of over 50 not-for-profit organisations. These organisations work together to support children and young people in England to support their speech, language and communication. You will find lots of helpful information here as well as great resources for both parents and professionals.

Talking Point
This websites provides lots of information about children’s communication and what you can do to help.

Talking Point Progress Checker
You can use this tool to check whether your child has the key communication skills expected for their age. This is available for children between the ages of 6 months and 11 years old.

Bercow: 10 years on
Bercow: Ten Years On is a report on the state of provision for children’s speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) in England. The report has been published by I CAN , the children’s communication charity, and the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT).
The website also has a wealth of resources for parents and professionals.

Giving Voice Campaign
The Giving Voice campaign aims to ‘give voice’ to people with speech, language and communication needs – to ensure their requirements, and those of their carers and families are met. Our aim is to demonstrate how speech and language therapy makes a difference to individuals and the broader society across the UK

Makaton Sign of the Week
Makaton is a form of communication which uses simple signs. Using Makaton helps children to understand, express themselves and to learn spoken words. This website provides a video of a different sign each week. You can practice with the video then use your new signs throughout the week.

National Autistic Society
The National Autistic Society (NAS) is the leading UK charity for autistic people (including those with Asperger syndrome) and their families. They provide information, support and pioneering services, and campaign for a better world for autistic people.

Previously known as The British Stammering Association (BSA). This is a registered charity and campaign which aims to support anyone who stammers in the UK and to tackle discrimination that people who stammer face.

RALLI Campaign
The RALLI campaign was created to Raise Awareness of Language Learning Impairments. On our YouTube channel, you will find videos that explain what a language impairment is, the impact it can have and how to get help.

National Association of Professionals working with Language Impaired Children (NAPLIC)
NAPLIC® is an established national organisation for teachers, speech and language therapists and other professionals, led by a volunteer committee elected by the membership.
NAPLIC exists to promote and increase the awareness and understanding of children and young people with speech, language and communication needs, amongst all the professionals involved in meeting their needs.

AFASIC is the UK charity representing children and young adults with communication impairments, working for their inclusion in society and supporting their parents and carers. Local parents/carers groups can be contacted via the national office.